Theis G. Larsen and Michael Schram founded the company NPI – Nordic Panel Import – in September 2002. Their goal was to establish a company with a focus on high flexibility and excellent customer service. The customer is the focal point in NPI and the company strives to deliver products of high quality, on time.

Today NPI has a strong position in the Danish market and offers a broad product range procured from all over the world. NPI specializes in wooden based building materials and can offer a wide range of plywood, MDF, chipboards and fiber boards. The company has also expanded the product range with facade boards.

NPI has 9 employees that all have a long experience within their field and are always ready to help the customers with their knowledge and expertise.

NPI’s head office is based in Loesning, Denmark, while the warehouse is based in Esbjerg.

Through reliable suppliers that comply with international rules and regulations regarding environment, certifications and quality, NPI is able to fulfill the promise of high quality products to the customers.




  • NPI’s opening hours are 07.00-17.00
  • When calling NPI, customers are immediately answered by one of our experienced employees
  • NPI can deliver products from our warehouse within 3 weekdays
  • NPI can deliver whole packages or single boards after the customer requests
  • NPI can deliver products, cut to size
  • NPI can provide the customers with technical information
  • NPI can provide technical specifications and documentations on every product



NPI’s role is to deliver the products demanded by the market, at a competitive price. NPI’s role is to position itself as the natural, strong option in the industry.


NPI’s vision is to fill the position as the leading distributor within the field of wooden based building materials with a unique range of products, concepts and services, that generate and support long-term customer relationships.